dog holding an American flag in his mouth in front of a white fire place.

Activities For Your Dog

May 31, 2023

Safe Ways to Celebrate the 4th of July with Your Dog

The Fourth of July is one of everyone's favorite holidays. Fun cookouts, outdoor games & of course the fireworks at the end of the night. Since we want to include our dogs in as many things as possible, with this holiday in particular, there are a few extra things we have to be cautious of.

In this post we're sharing safe ways to celebrate the Fourth of July with your dog including helpful safety tips, fun treat ideas and more!

dog holding an American flag in his mouth in front of a white fire place.

Enjoy Some Outdoor Fun​

There's nothing better than enjoying some time outside on the Fourth of July. For our dogs, there are a ton of fun things we can do with our dog at home or nearby such as:

  • Play in a dog pool
  • You can find the perfect size dog pool for your dog at your local pet retailer or online for your dog to splash in all summer long. Make sure to search for a PVC material dog pool since those tend to be more durable for dogs!
  • Set up a dog sprinkler
  • Did you know there are sprinklers made for dogs? Grab your hose and hook it up and watch your dog go nuts! You can also turn on your regular sprinkler and enjoy some water fun with your pup!
  • Go for a swim
  • Have a lake nearby or do you love to swim with your dog in your own pool (with supervision always)? What better way to cool off and enjoy the holiday than with a nice dip!
  • Hit the trails
  • Have a dog-friendly trail nearby? Get up early to beat the heat and pack tons of water and enjoy a gorgeous morning with your pup. Plus, your dog will love starting their day with a million awesome smells!

Stay Away From BBQ Food​

Even though the cookout is probably one of everyone's favorite parts of the day (including our pups!), there are many foods and drinks that are not safe for your dog to consume.

Make sure to keep your dog away from alcohol, desserts and ultimately all BBQ food. The best thing you can do for your dog is to create their own dog-safe cookout treats, which we'll go into next!

Make Frozen Dog Treats​

You know how ice cream always sounds good on a hot day? Why not let your dog enjoy some too, dog ice cream that is! It's so easy to make a batch of healthy and safe frozen dog treats that your pup can enjoy throughout the summer, especially on the Fourth of July!

Below are some fun patriotic dog treat recipes from Pinterest that you can make for your dog:

Keep Your Dog Calm & Safe During Fireworks​

One of the most important things to know for the Fourth of July is that most dogs don't like the fireworks. The noise often scares them and because of this, many dogs get lost on this holiday if not properly taken care of. 

Here are some things you can do to keep your dog calm and safe during the fireworks:

  • Keep them inside (do not leave them out)
  • Make sure your dog is tagged & microchipped
  • Turn on the TV or some music to help drown out the noise
  • Keep them in a safe space (i.e. a room they're most comfortable in like your bedroom). 
  • Keep them in their dog crate (also another safe space)
  • Close the blinds to keep the light out
  • Look into an anxiety/calming shirt like a Thundershirt

At the end of the day, the number one thing you can do for your dog is to be with them. Your presence will help comfort them and aid with any anxiety and nervousness they're feeling.

brown and black dog with a bandana

Even though there are a lot of precautions for the Fourth of July with your dog, there's also a ton of fun too! We hope you all have a fantastic Fourth of July with your dogs and we'd love to see all of the fun you're having. Make sure to tag us in your photos/videos on Instagram @Carlsonpetproducts so we can see your patriotic pups!